Student Leadership Program


Chalcot Lodge has a variety of Student Leadership opportunities. 

School Captains


School Captains are leaders of the student leadership team who support the school's leaders (Principal, Assistant Principal, Leading Teachers and Team Leaders) in delivering the school mission and vision. They represent the student voice within the school community and lead the student community throughout the school and across the wider community.


School Captains:

  • Demonstrate the school values and are committed to be role models for our students.

  • Work as leaders and liaise with the Junior School Council and teachers. They meet with the Principal and Assistant principal on a weekly basis to deliver a progress report about student experiences at school.

  • Are student leadership representatives at events such as assemblies, whole school events and events where Chalcot Lodge are represented to the wider community.

  • Conduct tours of the school for special guests or parents.

  • Attend and represent the school at extracurricular events (e.g. End of year concert, ANZAC ceremony, Talent Quest) and other events that may arise during the year.

  • Communicate with student cohort groups to discuss student experiences.


The School Captain selection process is designed to reflect workplace selection processes.

  • All 5/6 students participate in a Leadership Program, where students explore qualities of leaders and develop skills that are expected from a school leader.

  • Through this program, aspiring students prepare written applications addressing selection criteria for the School Captain position.

  • The applications are shortlisted by the Principal and Assistant Principal in consultation with the class teachers.

  • Shortlisted applicants will partake in group interviews. 

  • School Captains and Vice Captains are then selected by the Principal.

House Captains


There are four ‘Houses’ at Chalcot Lodge Primary School, including Acacia, Banksia, Bluegum and Eucalypt. Each student belongs to a House. Students who wish to be House captains must be good role models and have a particular interest in sport and good health. 

Sport Leaders have a passion for all types of sports and enjoy playing games with other students. They have a willingness to help students develop a love for sport, learn about the rules and how to play games fairly. These students are responsible for storing and taking care of equipment that may be needed for physical activity.


Roles and Responsibilities

  • Be a positive role model for all staff, students and wider school community of Chalcot Lodge Primary School.

  • Wear correct school uniform at all times.

  • Meet regularly with the P.E teacher to discuss ideas and set goals for the implementation of sporting events within and outside of school

  • Responsible for sharing achievements in the sporting events and assist in organising lunchtime sporting activities between Houses, grades, students vs teachers, games and fun sport afternoons etc. as determined by the P.E teachers

  • Organise a roster for keeping the sports storeroom clean with the P.E teacher

  • Help with the organisation of the house sport bins.

  • Organise a roster for the collection and presentation of House Points at the school assembly

  • Attend workshops with student leadership and/or guests to develop leadership skills and participate in activities relevant to student leadership.

  • Sport announcements at assembly (results, what’s coming up) and Sporting Awards.

  • Designated sports days games for JNR & SNR (sports club)


The selection process involves Year 5 and 6 students completing an application. Students will then be shortlisted and proceed to present a speech to the other members of their House in Years 3 to 6. House members then vote to select the House Captains and Vice Captains.

Peer Mediation


The Peer Mediation Program is an important part of our Student Wellbeing Program.


During term 1, students in Year 5 who wish to be Peer Mediators are trained by a teacher to learn about:

  • How to listen to other students

  • How to assist them in dealing with problems such as: ‘I can’t find my friend’ or ‘I have lost my toy’.


Peer Mediators are rostered to be available in the junior playground from Term 2 and wear brightly coloured tops so that they are easily spotted by students in the playground.

Junior School Council


Each class from Years 3 to 6 will select a boy and a girl to be Junior School Councillors.


Their role is to:

  • Take suggestions from students during Student Voice meetings

  • Document class suggestions and student issues

  • Attend Junior School Council (JSC) meetings, which are facilitated by a teacher throughout the year. Suggestions are documented and minutes of their meetings and are considered for implementation at School Council meetings.