Prep Learning Resources


Learning sounds for reading
This year, we will be using the Sound Waves program to support our teaching of reading and spelling. Students will be learning 43 sounds of spoken English and how they are represented using the letters of the alphabet. 

Prep students have already started their journey learning new chants and actions for the sounds they learn. To help your child at home, you can also practise the chants and actions using this video. The special icons help students link the sound as well as the letter/s that make the sound. 


Blending sounds
At first, students learn to blend sounds that make a short word. To blend, you say each sound first and then say the sounds together to read the word. It may take more than one try to blend the sounds together. For more help, watch this example to help your child blend.


Supporting parents to continue education at home:
A new literacy and numeracy resource for parents of children aged 0-12 can help to keep learning moving forward at home. This resource provides families with fun, inexpensive, accessible and practical ways to help children develop the literacy and numeracy skills they need in life, in preparation for school and keep them progressing until the end of Year 6. 

The resource has also been updated by the Department of Education and Training for the way we live now, including information on digital literacy. Throughout, it reflects research that shows that it's never too early for children to start developing their literacy and numeracy.

Building foundational literacy skills

There are tips, lessons and resources to help parents and carers teach their children to speak, read, write and listen effectively and support the work teachers are doing in the classroom.

Opportunities to explore practical numeracy activities

Using games and practical exercises, parents and carers can help develop their children's numeracy skills from the early years up to the end of their primary school.

To read and download the resource please click on the image or link: Literacy and Numeracy Tips to Help your Child

Protective Behaviours
In Prep, students learn to recognise safe and unsafe situations and how they might feel and how their body might respond. The program teaches what they should do if they feel unsafe and builds their vocabulary in regards to emotions and warning signs they may feel. We teach them assertive language "Stop it, I don't like it!" We also teach them to seek help repeatedly if something is not right and to have a network of trusted people who they can share fears.

The 'My Body Safety Rules Video' summarises 5 things Prep students should know about protecting their body.